Deerfield Beach, FL – June 1, 2017 – With its 10-1-10 Africa Expedition only three months away, Wishing Well International Foundation (WWIF) USA and WWIF South Africa are making a strong marketing push this summer to get additional companies to join the effort by sponsoring and/or joining the expedition itself.

“We’re making every effort to spread the word about this event,” said Guillermo Guzman, CEO and Founder of WWIF. “Several generous sponsors have already signed on. We’re asking that anyone who’s familiar with our mission would spread the word and connect us with those who may also wish to sponsor.”

The adventurous campaign begins on Friday, August 25 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Those who join the expedition as a Deployment Team Member will travel in a convoy of 4×4 vehicles across southern Africa, deploying dozens of biofoam water filters in communities that lack clean, safe drinking water. The expedition ends 9 days later on Sunday, September 3.

Witnessing the rural wildness of Africa is a tremendous experience in itself. But those who have participated in similar deployments in recent years are quick to highlight the life-changing experience of meeting the people they’re helping.

Beyond the intangible rewards of providing clean water to those who need it, the event is a unique opportunity to bring attention and publicity to any company that wants to join the cause for clean water.

“There is no complexity or controversy in this mission,” said Guzman. “Any company that provides clean water to help people avoid illness will be viewed in a positive light. There are many companies out there who would be eager to contribute and sponsor. We need help in reaching those companies.”

Click here to visit the registration page of the 10-1-10 Expedition. Expedition sponsorships are listed at various levels. Individual donors can also make contributions on that page.

WWIF also has a separate Corporate Sponsorship Program in which sponsors are recognized and promoted at various levels by the Foundation, depending on the amount of their annual contributions. WWIF proudly promotes the generosity of its partners in press releases, on social media and on other public platforms.

To learn about the benefits of becoming a corporate sponsor, click here.

Thank you for your support.

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  • 884 million people in the world do not have access to clean water.
  • 1.6 million children die each year from waterborne diseases.
  • The Millennium Development Goal on child survival (MDG 4) will remain beyond our reach until diarrheal disease, poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water issues are addressed.
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