Deerfield Beach, FL – July 17, 2017 – With its 10-1-10 Africa Expedition only six weeks away, Wishing Well International Foundation (WWIF) gained some valuable exposure for its clean-water mission. Two WWIF representatives, Issa Al-Kharusy and Ken Lister, were interviewed by Khuluma, the in-flight magazine for Kulula, a South African airline which focuses on flights to and from Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.

Al-Kharusy is CEO of KDF Fluid Treatment and Senior VP of Strategic Development & Global Marketing for WWIF USA. He was also recently elected to the WQA’s Board of Directors. Ken Lister is Financial & Operations Director for H2O International South Africa and is on the Board of Directors of WWIF South Africa.

Al-Kharusy and Lister were separately interviewed by Khuluma for its August edition. They both discussed the ongoing work of the Foundation to provide clean, safe drinking water in developing areas. “My wife, Denise, and I wanted to get involved in the cause of Wishing Well International from the day it was a concept,” Al-Kharusy said. “We believe in the mission of saving lives by providing safe water for human consumption. Becoming a sponsor for the expedition was a natural extension of our support of the overall mission of the Foundation.”

In their interviews, Al-Kharusy and Lister provided details about the 10-1-10 Africa Expedition, which starts on August 25 and ends on September 3. The full interviews will be featured in Khuluma’s August edition and online at

Multimedia Journalist Joins the Expedition

Thomas Holder of EWN

Multimedia journalist Thomas Holder of Johannesburg has agreed to join the 10-1-10 Africa Expedition in late August. Holder works for Eyewitness News (EWN), where he has honed his skills in both photography and video over the last six years. His work includes breaking news and provocative features on health, conflict and natural disasters. Holder will capture the sights and sounds of southern Africa during the Expedition. Footage of the trip will be used to convey the impact of providing clean, safe drinking water to people in remote areas whose local water sources are polluted. Click here to view some of Thomas’ work.

Expedition Opportunities

WWIF is in final preparations for the African Expedition. There is still time to become a sponsor of the event or even go on the trip. Contact Joseph Gonzales at or call (954) 421-1454 for information.

Click here to view the available expedition sponsorships.

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  • 884 million people in the world do not have access to clean water.
  • 1.6 million children die each year from waterborne diseases.
  • The Millennium Development Goal on child survival (MDG 4) will remain beyond our reach until diarrheal disease, poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water issues are addressed.
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