Deerfield Beach, Florida – November 15, 2013. Filtrex and HaloSource have committed to sponsoring the WWIF–FWQA 2014 Golf Tournament to be held in Orlando on March 18, 2014 during the upcoming WQA Aquatech Annual Convention and Trade Show. The commitment was made at separate meetings during the recent Aquatech trade show in Amsterdam.

FiltrexFiltrex, a Foundation supporter since it started, is one of the leading companies in the field of water purification industry providing customers with advanced carbon solutions and unsurpassed value. Filtrex Group specializes in coconut shell-based activated carbon serving the water industry for its carbon needs: granules, powder and carbon blocks. Its GAC and carbon blocks are used worldwide by leading OEMs. Filtrex manufactures GAC in various grades for different industries and specializes in custom carbon blocks powered by EPC™ (enhanced physisorption and chemisorption) technology to provide industry leading performance, offering OEM clients endless filtration solutions.

HaloSource, Inc., a Platinum sponsor since early 2013, is a global clean water technology company committed to relentless innovation and industry-leading products. Its brand of products includes HaloPure® and HaloKlear®. HaloPure® is an innovative water-purification technology that helps make drinking water cleaner and safer around the world. The company’s groundbreaking drinking water disinfection technology reduces waterborne viruses and bacteria by 99.9 percent while preventing bacterial recontamination, keeping treated water fresher for longer. HaloKlear® products use all-natural, biodegradable polymers that perform on a wide array of applications, providing exceptional water clarification with dramatic reductions in ecological impact. The full line of clarifiers can be used in industries such as construction, oil and gas, mining, dredging, industrial process water, raw wastewater treatment and environmental remediation, amongst others.

“We are thrilled to work with FWQA and are very excited to have the tournament in Orlando this coming March. Having two companies of the visibility of Filtrex and HaloSource sponsor the tournament enhances our organization standings amongst other members of the industry and helps with our efforts to provide clean, safe, drinking water to developing areas,” added WWIF Founder Guillermo Guzman.

The Foundation will be reaching out to other members of the industry to participate in the golf tournament or to become sponsors. This year, the tournament is being held in cooperation with the Florida Water Quality Association (FWQA); the funds raised will benefit both organizations. To register or sign up for a sponsorship please go to REGISTRATION

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  • 884 million people in the world do not have access to clean water.
  • 1.6 million children die each year from waterborne diseases.
  • The Millennium Development Goal on child survival (MDG 4) will remain beyond our reach until diarrheal disease, poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water issues are addressed.
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