Dear friends,The recent trip to Ghana was an amazing experience, one I will never forget. It reinforced the need for us to do more and made me realize how unbelievably lucky we are to be able to help the way we do, unconditionally and without any expectations other than the satisfaction we get from helping others in need.

The trip was dual purpose. The first was to meet the people of Bagliga, where one project started July of 2012 and was 100% funded as of February 1. By March 1, the project will be completed and over 600 people were impacted in a way that may just save a few lives. I had a chance to spend time with the village Chief and the elders as well as the children who are the most vulnerable. Everyone was thankful and they clearly embraced the work performed by Safe Water Ghana (SWG) and funded mostly by Wishing Well International (WWIF) The second purpose was to meet face-to-face with the leaders of SWG and discuss future collaboration between our two organizations. We now have an opportunity to receive carbon credit dollars in Ghana for every filter we install. Each filter could yield $40 (USD) in carbon credits, which will in turn allow us to impact 33% more people than we have in the past.

No words can really describe the feelings I experienced being there, playing with the children, seeing and experiencing their way of life. They all managed to be humble and share many smiles with us, as these few pictures will show. There is no running water or electricity and no toilets. The water source is over a mile away; young girls and their mothers spend many hours each day fetching this precious resource so necessary to life. Unfortunately the source can be deadly, as it is often full of bacteria from feces of nearby livestock.

I have put together an album on Facebook with pictures I thought you might enjoy. Click on BAGLIGA to see for yourself. While in Northern Ghana, we visited the village of Kukuo, another project by SWG. To view images of this visit, click on KUKUO.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our supporters. Without you none of this would have been possible. Thank you, thank you and thank you on behalf of Bagliga, Oshoek, San Jose and the many other projects you have helped fund.

Now the focus is on finishing the Batey of San Jose de Ulloa in the Dominican Republic and continuing our work in Ghana, starting with Bagliga Kotingli, a village of 250 people near Bagliga and using the same water source for their drinking water, and other surrounding villages in Northern Ghana like Kukuo.

To learn about corporate sponsorships, go to Become a Sponsor.

Thank you for your support. Together we can make a difference! Please help!


Guillermo Guzman
Wishing Well International Foundation
Founder & CEO

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  • 884 million people in the world do not have access to clean water.
  • 1.6 million children die each year from waterborne diseases.
  • The Millennium Development Goal on child survival (MDG 4) will remain beyond our reach until diarrheal disease, poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water issues are addressed.
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