Rachel Beckwith’s Dream Must Live On
published 27 Jul 2011 by Guillermo Guzman
Rachel Beckwith was just 9 years old when she died on Saturday July 24; however her thirst for bringing clean drinking water to those in need must live on. Rachel was taken off life support on Saturday after she sustained fatal injuries in a 14-vehicle pile up near her home in Bellevue, Washington three days earlier, CNN reported.
For her birthday in June she had asked her friends and relatives to donate money instead of giving her presents. Rachel was only $80 short of her modest goal of raising $300. In honor of her memory we have started a campaign and will donate 100% of the money to projects to be coordinated with Charity:Water. Charity Water is the Non-Profit she chose for her efforts.
In her memory we ask everyone consider donating a symbolic $ 80, the amount she needed to reach her goal. Any amount is welcomed and 100% of the money will go towards a project to bring clean safe drinking water to developing areas.
To be part of Rachel’s dream go to: http://www.active.com/donate/Rachelsdream Your donations will help save lives. Please SHARE this posting with all your friends.
Guillermo Guzman
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