Pure Foundation Logo

Our primary goal is to improve the health of children – by teaching them about the importance of clean drinking water and by assisting children in obtaining cleaner, more healthful water.


Multipure’s Pure Foundation has become a Platinum Sponsor of Wishing Well International Foundation (WWIF), strengthening WWIF’s ability to provide safer drinking water to underdeveloped areas around the world.

For the Pure Foundation, this contribution fits perfectly with its mission to improve health through education, assistance, and water improvement. For WWIF, this contribution provides additional resources for its goals to improve drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene for the developing world. Multipure Executive Vice President and founder of the Pure Foundation, Jennifer Rice, praises the similar aims and goals of the two organizations. “The Pure Foundation was created as an extension of Multipure’s vision of better water and better health. Our primary goal is to improve the health of children – by teaching them about the importance of clean drinking water and by assisting children in obtaining cleaner, more healthful water. Wishing Well International Foundation helps children around the world by providing them with cleaner, safer drinking water, while increasing global knowledge and awareness on the importance of sanitation and hygiene. WWIF is an eminently worthy organization for Multipure and the Pure Foundation to support.”

Vice President of Network Marketing, Regina Noriega, details the origins of the Pure Foundation and on Jennifer Rice’s personal involvement in its creation and operations. “Jennifer Rice created this foundation after a personal incident involving her infant son. She knows that the type and quality of drinking water can have profound effects on children – effects often overlooked by experts and medical professionals. She dedicated the Pure Foundation to educate children and families on drinking water issues and the impact on their health, and is determined to ensure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to benefit from cleaner, safer water. When she realized that the WWIF maintained similar goals, it was an easy decision for her to provide Multipure’s support.”

The creation of the Pure Foundation was announced during Multipure’s Pure Convention on February 24, 2012. The Pure Foundation offers field trips and visits to schools to provide education on drinking water issues and water filtration technology. The Pure Foundation also offers its EcoKids program to reach and better educate young children on the benefits and importance of clean drinking water. For additional information, contact Vice President of Network Marketing, Regina Noriega, at rnoriega@multipure.com.

Founded in 1970, Multipure is an industry leader in the manufacture and distribution of drinking water systems and compressed solid carbon block filters. Headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, Multipure employs over 200 people, and is committed to being an eco-friendly company that provides the people of the world with the best quality drinking water at an affordable price. Multipure is a member of the Water Quality Association, the Direct Selling Association, the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, and the Better Business Bureau.