November News
published 27 Feb 2011 by Joseph Gonzales
published 27 Feb 2011 by Joseph Gonzales
• Trade magazines open to help WWIF. Water Technology Magazine and Water Quality Products publication offer to help the Foundation with press releases and advertisement. This would be an excellent venue to let the water industry members know of the activities related to the Foundation. Guillermo Guzman will also approach Water Conditioning & Purification magazine and ask for its support.
• Meeting with Cascade Engineering. In the middle of November and before the Thanksgiving Holiday a meeting is set up at Cascade Engineering. Attending the meeting were Guillermo Guzman, Issa Al-Kharussy, Ken Conrad, Jim Bodenner of Safe Water Team and Christina Keller of Cascade Engineering. At this meeting it was decided WWIF would move forward and issue a Purchase Order for 30 systems to be used as a test pilot in rural South Africa. Systems will be shipped to San Diego and from there on to South Africa aboard a US Navy ship as part of Project Handclasp. Us Navy personnel will unload the goods, clear customs and hand the goods over to H2O International South Africa. For more information on Project Handclasp follow the link:
For more information on Hydraid® Biosand Filters visit
• Another key member added to the Team. Denise Al-Kharussy, Marketing Director KDF Fluid Treatment Inc. joins WWIF. Denise joins in as Marketing Director, WQA Corporate Sponsorships. Denise has been an active member of the WQA and a loyal recruiter for the Association. As such she has developed close relationships with WQA members as well as with the Association’s management and staff. She will be a valuable asset to WWIF.
• Visit to Wallacedene – Cape Town. In late November WWIF visited the Township of Wallacedene in Cape Town, South Africa. WWIF founder Guillermo Guzman and Tony Marchesini of H2O International South Africa met with leaders of the Township to discuss WWIF’s involvement in the community. WWIF will supply water filtering systems and coolers to the school, the church and the clinic. Filters and water coolers will be installed during a community event where residents will be educated on the importance of drinking clean safe drinking water.
The above meetings were made possible with the help of Shiloh, a local Non-Profit already performing work within the community. WWIF will continue working with Shiloh and other local Non-Profit organizations in order to maximize its reach to areas in need.
The water filtering systems and coolers were donated by H2O International Inc. of Deerfield Beach and H2O International South Africa. The installation and maintenance will be carried out by H2O International South Africa.
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