Oct 2015

Deerfield Beach, FL – October 15, 2015 - H2O International USA and H2O International South Africa have both committed to sponsoring a vehicle and a passenger for the 10-1-10 Africa Expedition, the 2016 signature event of Wishing Well International Foundation (WWIF). The two-week adventure will take WWIF sponsors and representatives across South Africa and Swaziland to deploy more than 150 water filtration systems in communities that lack access to clean water. The ’10-1-10’ of the title indicates that $10 will provide clean

Deerfield Beach, FL – October 1, 2015 - The Water Quality Association (WQA) has listed Wishing Well International Foundation (WWIF) as an Endorsed Philanthropic Partner. Following WQA’s  official endorsement of WWIF in March 2014, the two organizations have engaged in dialogue about how to create more awareness of the cause for clean water among its members. This collaboration continues with the singular mission of providing clean, safe drinking water in developing areas.

Established in 1974, WQA primarily represents the sector of

Aug 2015

Deerfield Beach, FL – August 17, 2015 - Since its launch in 2011, Wishing Well International Foundation (WWIF) has continually worked to provide safe, clean drinking water in developing areas. The Foundation has focused its attention on attracting sponsors and donors in order to complete more deployments and reach more people who lack clean water. Given the simplicity and low cost of the biosand water filters that are used during WWIF deployments, there has been little incentive to use any other

Jun 2015

Deerfield Beach, FL – June 1, 2015 - Representatives of Wishing Well International  Foundation (WWIF) gathered in Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa last week to further strategize and develop plans for the 10- 1-10 Africa Expedition. The ambitious journey across South Africa and Swaziland was formally announced in April as the signature event of 2016 for WWIF, a non-profit organization which provides clean, safe drinking-water to developing areas.

The meeting resulted in a clearer itinerary and scope for the expedition, which

May 2015

Deerfield Beach, FL – May 1, 2015 - The combination of good weather, a great turnout and exciting action resulted in a successful golf tournament last week for Wishing Well International Foundation (WWIF). This was the organization’s fourth tournament, held for the second time at The Revere Golf Club in Henderson, NV, just south of Las Vegas. The event has preceded the annual WQA Aquatech show each of the last four years, generating donations and publicity for WWIF and its worldwide

Apr 2015

Deerfield Beach, FL – April 15, 2015 -The 10-1-10 Africa Expedition will be the signature event of 2016 for Wishing Well International Foundation (WWIF). Tentatively scheduled for next spring, the Expedition will take WWIF representatives and sponsors through various communities of South Africa and Swaziland to deploy Hydraid water filters in hundreds of homes. Although WWIF has successfully conducted similar events on a smaller scale in Kenya, Ghana, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, next year’s event will ambitiously include the

Deerfield Beach, FL – April 1, 2015 - In an effort to continually emphasize that every $10 donation provides clean drinking water for one person for 10 years, Wishing Well International Foundation announces that the '10-1-10' message will be at the heart of all its future marketing and fund-raising campaigns. “The simple 10-1-10 message is who we are. It’s what we’re all about…providing clean water for those in developing nations and partnering with our donors to make it happen,” said

Mar 2015

Deerfield Beach, FL – March 2, 2015 - More than ten thousand Kenyans will be positively impacted by the newly created partnership and commitment of three organizations; Wishing Well International Foundation, Safe Water Team and Safe Water Kenya. It’s the first time these non-profits have joined together to provide clean, safe drinking water in Kenya. WWIF and SWT have teamed up in the past for projects in Ghana and the Dominican Republic.

The project was planned during a January conference call between

Feb 2015

Deerfield Beach, FL - February 1, 2015 - For the second year in a row, HaloSource Inc. is sponsoring the WWIF Annual Golf Tournament. The event will be April 21st at the Revere Golf Club in Henderson, Nevada, coinciding with this year's WQA Aquatech show in Las Vegas.

Based in Bothell, Washington, HaloSource is a publicly-traded company that specializes in clean technologies which disinfect and purify the water we use. Emphasizing the importance of this crucial resource, HaloSource has developed a highly-regarded